Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let's build ourselves a fire.

I have recently become aware that apparently more people than I suspected read this blog. How daunting. The things I think and do are really not interesting enough for an obvious. However, I feel quite accomplished at the moment for having finished my paper on a play written by Steve Martin - it's like that one thing has finally made me feel back on track, hah. I do have a German quiz tomorrow... but I'll make do!

Watching True Blood has made me talk with a more Southern accent, I swear. I was just reading Dead to the World to Kayla Lupo as a bedtime story and I think I have my Sookie/Arlene voice down pat. :) My, what a skill.

I love when my 8 a.m. class is cancelled. I mean, I really do like that class, and in a lot of ways I like starting my day so early... but it is SUCH a relief to know that I don't have to be up at 7 in the morning. I kind of miss sleeping till noon.

Life is moving so quickly lately. All of my friends are growing up (maybe I am, too... but only a little). People are taking business trips and getting engaged and it's blowing my mind. I feel like I'm still 16.

I wonder if I'll miss Vienna for the rest of my life.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

That woman, she's got eyes that shine like a pair of stolen polished dimes.

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love,
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
Oh, no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests.. and is never shaken.
It is the star to every wandering bark
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love is not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come.
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out.. even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

I love Valentine's Day. I have always loved Valentine's Day. I don't know what it is, because I don't care about the stereotypical Valentine's routine, I don't care for the consumerism it begs for, I don't even like the shallow displays of affection it seems to entail.... but I love Valentine's Day.

I remember in high school, when I was in the service club, on the last school day before V-Day we would go around and deliver carnations and kisses to people. In elementary school we decorated shoeboxes and hoped we'd have a valentine from our crush (though I'm pretty positive that at Boyd, it was required to have a valentine for everyone in the class...). I don't even really remember middle school Valentine's Day situations, probably because they were so awkward that I attempted to block them out haha.

Anyway, contrary to popular belief, I don't expect a lot out of Valentine's Day. I liked it when I was single and I like it now that I have a boyfriend - I just like that it's a celebration of love, and I know you can argue all day long that it's all about spending money and false affection and that it makes single people feel left out... but I choose to disagree. (Then again, there are Valentine's Day stuffed animals being sold for $100, which in and of itself is pretty disgusting, but anyway...)

I have no idea what I'm doing Valentine's Day, and I don't care. This is possibly because I'm not a planner and I rarely ever know what I'm doing ahead of time, but I feel like most females have some idea of what will go down on this L-O-V-E day (every day's a love day, I know, let it be). Not me. But I know I'll probably hang out with Clay at some point, and that works for me. Honestly.

I did get a handmade Valentine, and it made me almost giddy. I'm such a twelve year old.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

When a-walkin', brother, don't you forget: it ain't often that you'll ever find a friend.

Everyone around me seems to be in a rut. Most of us have suddenly become uninspired and disappointed and generally lackluster about life. I don't know why. I don't know why suddenly I have so many questions going around in my head about right and wrong and the future and what I want and how to get there.

I just don't care.

But I do care enough to question, constantly, and to know I want to do SOMETHING, even if I don't know what that something entails. I have so many ideas and never accomplish any of them (something to do with my psychological make-up, I'm sure).

I just want to talk to people. I'm done with being closed in and boarded up and I want to know people and for people to know me. I don't know why I've been so scared of that for so long, because I doubt it could kill me in the long run.

Things are changing in the dynamic of my life and it just feels like I'm getting farther away from people. There are lots of reasons, like school or work or other relationships, but I'm still not crazy about losing people I love.

But I'm happy a lot. Especially with the snowfall. I just read and drink coffee and try to talk to people. It works out sometimes.