Monday, December 21, 2009

All of those who are hither and yonder, with love in our hearts we grow fonder and fonder, hail to those who we hold so dear.

I love when great things happen that I absolutely don't expect. Not to sound like a Debbie Downer, but it just doesn't occur that often. A lot of good things happen in my life, I just generally know they're coming and anticipate them. It's just such a thrill when something happens you didn't think was possible.

It is day four of Christmas break. I think I have twenty more days... I'm not sure how I'll spend them when Christmas is over. Probably lots of packing and cleaning. I'll never come home to this house again - I've had a lot of those moments, haha.

You know what I can't help but find annoying? When people post their grades on facebook. What is with that?? It seems like everyone does that and it bugs me like crazy. Before facebook, did you call all of your friends and brag about the test you just aced or send out mass emails to everyone you know about how this semester's really improved your gpa? .... Probably not, and if you did then I certainly am sorry. (The only person I exclude from this frustration is my aunt, because she's never just blatantly posted something.)

"OMGZZZZZ 100 A+ ON EVERY GRADE I'VE EVER HAD I AM SO SMART HOLY TOLEDO." Guess what, Grade-Poster-on-Facebook-Person - we all make grades, and no matter who congratulates you, no one but your mother actually cares. Everyone else who's still in college apparently makes good enough grades to stay there, just like you do.

Let it be noted that I still love everyone I know who does this, it just so happens that I find this particular action of yours to be quite silly. But we all do silly things from time to time, I hear.

For the records, it is an amazingly gorgeous day today, and I'm assuming tomorrow will be as well. Warm, too! There's so much I should be doing other than this, like laundry and cleaning my closet and taking a shower and cooking lasagna. I'm just trying to pass the time in less constructive ways.... as usual.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'm so small I can barely be seen, how can this great love be inside of me?

I have now been back in the U.S. for five days. At first I was kind of bummed out because it all seemed like I had immediately fallen back into the same repetitive cycle that I had been so desperate to avoid. I didn't like not being in Europe anymore (I still don't) and it was so strange to suddenly see everyone again and to not be with my Vienna family anymore. I technically knew I'd want to come back as soon as I got home, but I didn't REALLY expect it. However, I never experienced culture shock or jet lag, which was surprising.

The Christmas lights at Lipscomb don't seem as magical as they did last year.

I do love being with people again, though. I love having coffee with my mom and watching movies with my friends and potentially going to Opryland Hotel this weekend.

Today was a different day, for the first time since I've been back, because I was legitimately inspired (again) to do something with my faith rather than sit back and stay safe and fall into our society's system. I want to love God and love people and do something that matters. I want to live differently and use what I've learned over the past three months to more effectively follow Christ.

I want to talk to people about things that matter and do more than sleep and eat and take up space.

I have something to be passionate about, regardless of whether it's practical or lucrative or easy.