Thursday, January 21, 2010

All the love I want to give gets caught between every rib.

The weather is beautiful. Today is beautiful, in a dreary-cloudy-rainy-gloomy-Industrial-Revolution-era-London sort of way. But the lack of freezing wind and highs in the 20's has been working out really well for me.

I suddenly feel uncomfortable with typing anything that matters to me, since it's on the internet and all. Heading to house church soon, though I don't actually know when. I really enjoy being excited about all of my classes every day. Well, I'm never excited about German... but that's not German's fault. Haha.

I wish I could fix everything for my friends who are hurting. I wish I knew all the answers to everyone's life questions about fairness and right and wrong and God and relationships. I wish I could love everyone without expecting anything at all in return.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And when the sun goes down, you know where she'll be found, dancing out in the street.

I'm finally getting into the flow of things here in 2010. In Nashville. In the United States. I missed Vienna today. I missed going to class by U-Bahn and running to Zielpunkt to get bread and apples for lunch and feeling at home in another world. I missed being able to forget about the problems that everyone else, the people in "real life", had.

But I'm also happy to be home, still. I love Nashville. I love the way the city feels, I love the lights and people and the way that it's Southern without being...... you know, SOUTHERN. I even like school for the first time in awhile. I mean, I sat and read textbooks for three hours today. Who does that?

And it's back to Chattanooga this Saturday, which I'm both excited and hesitant about. Excited because I already miss my family and want to get the rest of my stuff to bring back to school, hesitant because we've just moved and it's no doubt an overwhelming explosion of boxes in which my chances of finding everything I need in a two-day time are slim to none.

Oh, and of course I made some resolutions for this year, though I haven't written on here in awhile. Normal things like losing weight and making good grades and having adventures. I really want to learn to play guitar and I want to write more and I want to be better at loving people. I want to try getting over my prejudices and learn to be unselfish.

Really, I just want to learn a lot of things and experience a lot of things. I'm excited about this year.

"Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age."
- Anais Nin